$0.10 fee for disposable bags.
A bag that is specifically intended for multiple reuse and is made of cloth, fiber or other machine washable fabrics that is at least 2.25 mil. thick Has a minimum life of over 75 uses and can carry over 18 pounds.
Food Stores means a retail establishment or business located within the Boulder city limits in a permanent building, operating year and, that is a full-line, self-service market and which sells a line of staple foodstuffs, meats, produce or dairy products or other perishable items. Food Store does not include: (a) Temporary vending establishments for fruits, vegetables, packaged meats and dairy. (b) Vendors at farmer’s markets or other temporary events (c) Business at which food stuffs are an incidental part of the business. Food sales will be considered to be incidental if such sales comprise no more that 2 percent of the business’s gross sales in the city as measured by the dollar value of the food sales as a percentage of the dollar value of total sales at any single location.
Holding a public meeting April 24th, 2012 for review.