Made of cloth or other machine washable fabric that has handles, or a durable plastic bag that is at least 2.25 mil thick with handles and is specifically designed and manufactured for multiply use.
Retail Establishment any retail store that satifies at least one of the following requirements: (a) a retail space of 2500 square feet or larger or at least three (3) locations under the same name within theTown of Brookline that total 2500 square feet or more or (B) a retail pharmacy with t last two locations under the same ownership with in the Town of Brookline or (c) afull line self serve supermarket that had annual gross sales in excess of $1,0,000 during the previous tax year ad which sells a line of dry grocery, canned goods or nonfood items and some perishable items.
11/14/2012 was approved, ordinance will be finalized in 30-90 days.