Recylcable Paper Bag means a paper bag that meets all of the following requirements: ( 1) contains no old growth fiber, (2) is one hundred percent ( 100%) recyclable overall and contains a minimum of forty percent ( 40%) postconsumer recycled material; ( 3) is capable of composting, consistent with the timeline and specifications of the American Society of Testing and Materials ASTM) Standard D6400.
Reusable Bag: a) A retail establishment may provide or sell reusable carryout bags to its customers or to any person. b) A reusable carryout bag must have a handle. c) A reusable carryout bag must be constructed out of: 1) cloth, other washable fabric, or other durable materials whether woven or non- woven; or recyclable plastic, with a minimum thickness of 4. 0 mil. d) A reusable carryout bag must meet the minimum reuse testing standard of 175 reuses carrying 16 pounds.
Retail Establishment Any commercial business facility that sells goods and/ or services directly to the consumer including but not limited to grocery stores, pharmacies, liquor stores, convenience stores, restaurants, retail stores and vendors selling clothing, food, and personal items, and dry cleaning services.